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If you say freakin’ “Vision” one more time……

Sandy Watchie Stamato

Are you rolling your eyes and saying "been there, done that" when you hear "Vision"?

Hold tight - How about the word ACTIVATOR? (no, it's not the latest energy drink)

This activator bypasses the critical mind. It motivates, supports and pulls you forward when fear wants to hold you back.

I'm getting the sense that you need a real life example

"Sal" was a smart, free-spirited (Limb Dweller). She got laid off and needed a good job quickly. Her words, she didn't have the luxury of "following her bliss", she had bills to pay.

She was stuck. She wanted a way to recognize a good opportunity as she explored next steps. We did vision work – the baseline of the work we do in my workshops- and, I remember her face when she said "Sandy, I found the picture that really speaks to me. I don't get it, but I found it". She showed me a vibrant picture of a butterfly. Gorgeous, free and expansive. It ACTIVATED something in her.

She loved that picture. She loaded it up on every screen saver her eyes came across. It reminded her of her spirit, passion and organizational skills. That's such a logical, heady way of explaining that she tapped into a dormant , patiently waiting, sense of self.

This free spirit's new fabulous job?

Working in a very complicated finance organization.


Here's the thing, when interviewing (almost begrudgingly) she felt the pull of the butterfly.

The job offered a little travel, she could work from home (way before COVID), independence and freedom all wrapped up in a seemingly corporate job. She loves her job. And, as she said, "I could have passed on this opportunity easily if I didn't feel my ACTIVATOR during the interview.

Moral of the story. Don't waste your precious energy. Find your own ACTIVATOR by taking a moment and notice what lights you up. Simple? Perhaps. Easy? Perhaps. It all starts with noticing your own "butterflies"...



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